Sunday, November 27, 2011

Premature Ejaculation Treatment: Tips for Eradicating It!

According to the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, they define premature ejaculation as a persistent and reoccurring, chronic state of ejaculation with minimal pleasure or sensitivity being induced. In short: a man barely lasts longer than a few minutes – in most cases – before he reaches ejaculation, and long before he desires to reach ejaculation.

There are numerous causes to premature ejaculation that have been included in premature ejaculation treatment studies. It is believed that anxiety, stress, depression, diet, diseases, and even low testosterone – lack of androgen production or male menopause; andropause – are all contributing factors. There are methods of premature ejaculation treatment that can work for you. We will explore a few top tips in this blog.

Reducing Anxiety

Sexual anxiety is a key contributor. With premature ejaculation treatment, you can take measures to lower your anxiety levels. Talking to your doctor about anti-anxiety medications can help you. There are several brands that you can explore your options with. Some men using natural supplements like Saint John’s Wort to cure anxiety for premature ejaculation treatment.

Alleviating Depression

Depression can affect your whole body. There are newer studies that are emerging which demonstrate a definitive link between antidepressants and premature ejaculation treatment. These drugs can actually enable many patients to cure premature ejaculation because of certain affects that they have on the mind and the body.

Different Sexual Positions

Sexual experts advise that by adding some different sexual positions to the bedroom that they can serve as premature ejaculation treatment. Top positions include: missionary position, cowgirl position (girl on top facing the man), and even back to front; man on side facing the woman’s back on side. You can try out these positions for premature ejaculation treatment.

Over the Counter Premature Ejaculation Treatment

The most popular of the premature ejaculation treatment regiments include over the counter treatments. There are now thicker condoms that can reduce sensitivity. There are also numbing creams and warming creams that can be applied to the penis tip prior to sex for a premature ejaculation treatment. Lastly, there are testicular restraints that can be used to increase circulation to the penis tip as a premature ejaculation treatment.


Related Links:

Premature Ejaculation Treatment; Facts You Must Know

Facts About Premature Ejaculation and its Treatment

Do not Neglect Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Natural Premature Ejaculation Treatment for Your Sexual Enhancement

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