Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Naturally Increase Libido to Combat Male Menopause

Chances are good that if you are an adult male who is age 30 or older and you have been experiencing a decline in sexual desire, energy or stamina, that you could be suffering from a medical condition that requires that you increase libido to correct it. Newer studies are emerging, and leading experts are purporting that male menopause – or the decreased production of testosterone – is a very real and prominent condition. Find out what the doctors have to say about this, and what you can do to increase libido and tackle it before it tackles your sex life.

What is Male Menopause?

To answer this prevalent question, it is sometimes best to seek advice from expert medical resources and doctors who know exactly what they are talking about. In this instance, provides a suitable definition of male menopause. They say, “Symptoms of a potential male menopause are less clearly defined. Sexual dysfunction is a common complaint, but other nonspecific symptoms- like depression, mood changes, weight gain, or fatigue- have been interpreted by some as symptoms of a male midlife change …”

While some members of the medical community debate as to whether or not this condition is real, they do agree that most men experience a decline in the production of androgen or testosterone around the age of 30, which contributes to numerous sexual problems, as aforementioned in the citation from The easy answer then is to find a way to increase libido in a cost effective manner that will not render you rift with unwanted side effects or adverse reactions.

Treatment Options to Increase Libido

You do have some conventional treatment options to increase libido. Basically there are two common solutions to this: natural or prescription. With prescription methods to increase libido, you have to see a doctor and seek out blood testosterone therapy. Doctors will run some tests and provide you with medical treatment, but it can be costly. You can also seek out natural options to increase libido found in supplements like male enhancers that work to naturally boost the production of testosterone in the male body.


Related Links:

Using Testosterone Therapy to Increase Libido

How to Enhance Sexual Libido Naturally

How to Increase Libido, Male Sex Drive?

What is Libido & How to Increase Libido?

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