Friday, February 17, 2012

Could Anxiety be the Issue with How to Last Longer in Bed for Men?

If you suffer from anxiety or nervousness, and it’s chronic by nature, this could be the reason why you are unable to master how to last longer for men. Did you know that at last estimates, about one third of all men suffer from persistent episodes of premature ejaculation? Most people compare anxiety to being overly nervous, having jittery mental and physical complications, feeling uneasy about something, or it being related to a fear of something like heights, flying or driving.


Anxiety is very closely related to fear in the mind, and when we are anxious, nervous or scared about something, be that in our forethought or in our subconscious, it can greatly impact trying to learn to last longer in bed for men. When we become anxious, our minds try to fight back against it to relieve the anxiety, and when that anxiety is over sex, or about how to last longer for men, it can cause us to subconsciously race to the finish line, or prematurely ejaculate.


Defining Premature Ejaculation

This commonly experienced sexual indisposition is the inability to know to last longer in bed for men. It generally is characterized by a man not being able to have sex after penetration for longer than two minutes on average. A very common cause of it is actually anxiety: fear over sex, anxiety over pleasing a lover, stress about unrelated things, depression, and even poor lifestyle habits, declining health, and or, diseases and illnesses.


Treating Anxiety for How to Last Longer for Men

The great news is that you can treat anxiety and find a solution to last longer in bed for men, you just have to harness some helpful and insightful tips so that you can go longer and longer each and every time. The following tips should help you to learn how to master an answer to last longer in bed for men.

  • Talk to your doctor about medications that you can use for treating anxiety.

  • Look into therapy sessions to quell anxiety and or depression.

  • Use deep breathing techniques to master anxiety and sexual motion for enhanced duration of sexual encounters.

  • Talk to your lover about how to last longer in bed men, and work out different sexual positions, tips and tricks, and learn more about it together to be proactive and tackle the issue as a couple and alleviate anxiety and concerns.

  • Learn to let go of your past sexual issues and focus upon the future, and how you can please your lover.

  • If you are depressed, consider taking antidepressants, which have also been shown to help to last longer in bed for men.

  • Explore your options with sexual enhancing supplements that are designed to cure premature ejaculation .



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