The question is, do the products that offer enhancement for men really work? Or is it that manufacturers are taking advantage of a widespread and deeply personal issue? The popularity of penis enlargement products is evidence of the fact that men are seeking new ways to please their partners. Extenze and Firminite are two well known sexual supplements on the market today. While there are similarities between them, they are in fact quite different, especially where results are concerned.
Extenze Male Enhancement
This product is promoted as offering enhancement for men. Ads for the product also make claims about better sexual experiences. Many men buy the product because they are led to believe that using it will lead to a permanent increase in penis size. Some of the first infomercials for the product actually used an adult film star to promote it.
Extenze is actually made from a combination of herbs and some of the same prescription medicine ingredients found in popular erection drugs like Viagra. Some of these ingredients are:
• Yohimbe extract
• Korean ginseng extract
• Horny goat weed
• Zinc
• Folate
Yohimbe, ginseng and horny goat weed have all been shown to have some effect on erections, although the results may vary. The product also contains zinc and DHEA. These can usually be easily obtained and according to studies can be beneficial to men suffering from low libido. However, concerns have been raised that the dosages used in this product may be too high, and therefore can be harmful in the long run.
While Extenze does use herbal components, some experts feel that the quantity may be too low compared to similar products on the market. Studies have also shown that the product contains potentially dangerous levels of lead.
Natural Male Enhancement Treatment: Firminite
This is in many respects the best natural sex supplement available to men today. This Treatment does away with false claims about penis enlargement, something which has yet to be offered by any pill. Instead, it offers true enhancement for men by vastly improving the quality of erections. Its proprietary blend has been shown to enhance libido effectively.
Firminite's main ingredient is the herb Tongkat Ali which has been shown to improve erections and sexual performance. Unlike prescription drugs which target the erection specifically, Firminite deals with overall sexual performance improvement. It is also different from Extenze in this regard. It is the only known product that successfully blends virility and energy. It will not only enhance libido and lead to rock hard erections, but will also give men the ability to last longer and to have sex over and over again.
While some users of Extenze have reported symptoms such as nervousness, increased heart rate and agitation, Firminite has been shown to be completely safe and free from side effects. This means that the product can be used for long periods without causing any problems.
Having a satisfied partner can mean a healthy and lasting relationship. If you are looking for the best natural Sex treatment, you need to try Firminite. Enhancement for men has never been this simple. Firminite has been endorsed by medical doctors and institutions. It also comes with a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied you can return the packaging and you will be refunded the price of the product. Call 1-877-782-6464 Erection Dysfunction research center.
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