Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to Control Premature Ejaculation Treatment & Cure

Critical Details about Premature Ejaculation
When a man happens to ejaculate before he, and sometimes his partner, wants it is called Premature Ejaculation Treatment. There are a couple various definitions of this particular condition. One is when 50% of the time the man ejaculates prior to his partner. A different definition is when a man happens to ejaculate within 2 minutes of beginning penetration.
The definition doesn't matter, but what is known is that this is a condition that affects a person's well being, both emotional and sexual. PE happens to affect around 30% of men at some point in time in the United States. Premature Ejeculation control is significant to learn especially for the health of relationships.
In years past, psychological reasons were thought to be the main cause of PE. Now, common knowledge is that there are many things that contribute to it. These factors can be physical or psychological. Some of the psychological reasons stem from when someone feels rushed or maybe guilty. If they are in a hurry to have an orgasm for one reason or another, that could be a factor.
A man with erectile dysfunction will be more likely to experience PE because of the sense of urgency to ejaculate ultimately caused by their anxiety about their ability to sustain an Erection Pills. Anxiety issues are at the root for many PE problems and this anxiety doesn't necessarily have anything to do with their sexual ability.
Before getting into the physical issues, the steps of Premature Ejeculation are important to think about. Two things occur. First the semen enters the urethra and the next is when the actual orgasm occurs. That is making it way easier than it is because there are numerous hormones and chemicals that are throughout the body and they affect performance. Any change in hormones, or even the neurotransmitters, prostate, thyroid, etc. Can influence PE.
A few ways of treating PE are known. Natural Sex therapy is one way. The squeeze technique is encouraged to delay orgasm. This technique consists of when the man is close to ejaculating; the partner will squeeze the penis under the head until the sensation subsides. More activity can follow.
There are oral medicines and creams to prevent PE. Various antidepressants are used are often the kind of medications used. In addition, there are anesthetic creams to be rubbed on the penis so sensitivity can be lessened.
If the main problem is caused by stress, or even anxiety, it is common that psychotherapy is the treatment given. Overcoming Premature Ejaculation Treatment can happen, but first the root of the problem must be found. Between the sexual therapy, medications, and psychotherapy, it is possible to be capable of delaying ejaculation.

1 comment:

  1. Physiological —
    - Medical conditions/complications,
    - Use of certain medications and
    - Hormone imbalance as in menopause
    premature ejaculation training
