A hot topic amongst many sexually active adult males who desire to last longer in the bedroom is a finding a premature ejaculation treatment. Here’s is a quick way to find out if you suffer from premature ejaculation. Do you not last longer than a few minutes in bed? Does your lover rarely climax because you are always done too soon? Would you like to last longer, but you are unable to figure out how to do so, and you always climax too early as a result?
If you answered yes to any of the questions that were poised, then you could indeed benefit from using a premature ejaculation treatment to rectify your indisposition. So what do you look for in a premature ejaculation treatment, and what options are there for you currently? We shall explore them in this brief review of a premature ejaculation treatment.
Common Methods of Treatment
You have a few common methods that you can pursue if you are seeking a premature ejaculation treatment. We shall review the most popular means that men are using for premature ejaculation treatment in the following points so that you are well informed.
- Some men use breathing techniques, different sexual positions and prolonged foreplay as their mental premature ejaculation treatment; but this method will have mixed results and does not constitute an effective solution for most men.
- Antidepressants are being shown as an effective premature ejaculation treatment, but you can only get them if you are suffering from depression; so that’s no dice for most men.
- Numbing lotions, lubes, creams, penis oils and thicker condoms as well as testicular restraints have shown much promise for numerous men; but they can decrease pleasure or be ineffective for some men.
- Cognitive behavioral therapy with a therapist can help some men combat the sexual anxiety or mental issues associated with premature ejaculation.
- Hypnotherapy or subliminal therapy has proven to be a solid premature ejaculation treatment for some men.
- Supplements that increase libido, commonly called male enhancers, are working as a premature ejaculation treatment for a lot of men, and don’t require a doctor’s prescription, either.
Related Links:
Premature Ejaculation Treatment: Tips for Eradicating it
Premature Ejaculation Treatment; Facts You Must Know
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