Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Top Six Reasons to Have Better Natural Sex

Natural sex is something that is genetically wired into our brain chemistry. Human beings think, speak, act and breathe about sex; it’s how we have accumulated such a large population, in all honesty. Even certain hit songs over the years have alluded to the connotations of having steamy natural sex, like the smash hit by George Michael in the 80s that was entitled, “I Want Your Sex.” However, it never hurts to have some hard-hitting and entirely rock solid reasons and facts that underlie your natural cravings for, well, natural sex. Now does it?

  1. Natural sex is a natural pain reliever. No kidding! According to doctors at WebMD.com, having natural sex causes the brain to emit oxytocin. As you have sex, the brain emits dopamines and the hormone, oxytocin. No need for painkillers, just have natural sex.
  2. Semen actually helps to combat depression in females. What a great argument for the guys. The State University of New York determined in a study that that women who had more contact with semen were less depressed.
  3. Natural sex reduces the risks of getting prostate cancer. According to numerous studies, frequent ejaculation and contracting of the prostate muscles can decrease the risk of getting prostate cancer by as much as 33%.
  4. Natural sex is a fun and easy way to stay in shape. The average sexual encounter can zap as many as 400 calories. Now that’s for sex that spans the duration of an hour; all the more reason to get down to it folks!
  5. Natural sex increases your immune system. Sure, you can take all of the supplements that you want, but try having sex more often, too. According to studies, persons who have sex two times or more per week are more immune than those who do not.
  6. Natural sex induces better sleep. Want to sleep more soundly and snooze into the night? Have natural sex before you hit the hay. It induces the release of a sleepy hormone called oxytocin (we talked about this above in the 1st reason.) Most women will agree that men naturally drift off after a toss in the sack; this is why.


Related Links:

Outstanding Reasons to Give Natural Sex Pills a Try

Learn the Way of Natural Sex with Male Enhancement Pills

Natural Sex is Possible only with Herbal Pills

Have you thought of Natural Sex? You are Definitely Playing Safe!

1 comment:

  1. you can have a better sex if you and your partner have a high libido. having a low libido can effect your sex life.
